The Djäkne company United Robots goes global with new growth capital


United Robots announces that they raise 15m SEK from Investment AB Spiltan. The investment aims to boost global expansion and reach new sectors with the company’s AI robots for automated content creation.

The Djäkne company United Robots goes global with new growth capital

“The idea is groundbreaking because the technology increases efficiency in all sectors that today use human resources to create simple texts such as sports news, weather updates, real estate ads, product descriptions and much more. The market is huge and global,” says Lars Widmark, CEO of Djäkne Startup Studio.

Founded in 2015 United Robots has already convinced most of the Scandinavian newsrooms such as Bonnier News, Schibsted and Bergens Tidende that automated content is here to stay. Smart robots use a combination of AI and Natural Language Generation (NLG) to produce texts and the customers can focus on other tasks. Over 4 million articles have been delivered in more than six different languages so far. 

The partnership with Spiltan that now invests 15m SEK in this new disruptive technology enables a faster global expansion and an opportunity to address customers in new sectors. The company will also invest in more products and tech innovation and increase the internal team across all departments. For Djäkne Startup Studio, United Robots’ strong and rapid growth is a confirmation.

“It’s like seeing a teenager growing up and leaving home. We just couldn’t be more proud and Spiltan’s engagement is proof that the idea was spot on from the start and has the potential to become standard,” says Lars Widmark.

Today United Robots has 20 co-workers and a turnover of approx. 20m SEK. The company is based at Djäkne Startup Studio in Malmö, Sweden. 

The partnership with Investment AB Spiltan including an investment agreement of 15m SEK was confirmed on Tuesday 6 July 2021. United Robots is now owned by Djäkne Startup Studio, Sören Karlsson, CEO of United Robots and Investment AB Spiltan. 


Lars Widmark, CEO of Djäkne Startup Studio

Charlotte Stridh, Head of Communications

Press release Investment AB Spiltan
Press release United Robots
Article in BreakIT




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